Tower Tech Cooling System

Blog , Cooling Tower Jul / 09 / 2020
Written by Jignesh Shah
cooling tower

Do you wonder about how cooling towers provide fills to the cooling engine for the process? Well, that process is quite long and difficult to know, yet here you can easily gain knowledge of it.

If your cooling tower is but only a piece of equipment in the large facility and then you too are not looking after it as needed. Further, it only might get damaged and will result in more expensive and more intricate pieces of equipment in the plant. Therefore, it will be a wise option to choose to tend it in advance.

One of the reasons this absence of priority can create a lack of comprehensive knowledge for a dire piece of the puzzle and that is the cooling tower services. Just think about how important it becomes during the hot summer months when the services are most in use. Imagine if the production is suddenly retrenched because the return cooling water from the tower is so steep it’s adversely impacting the plant’s ability.

Whether you already own a cooling tower or are looking to purchase a new one, one of the alternatives that you will have is to opt for is the cooling tower fill around which the tower is built. Picking the correct fill for the process and installation is a big-league decision, after all, it can impact your plant’s operation over the years.

How Cooling Tower Fill Works?

Before moving into it, let’s learn about cooling towers. Overall, the towers are uncomplicated devices which filter water heated by your plant’s process into the cool water, while removing the same quantity of heat that your process added to it. Thus, allowing to use water in a recirculating loop.

In a nutshell, it’s just a box built to contain the water to be cooled. As such the water is cooled by the evaporative heat and mass transfer of water, the box has components that enhance the process, like air moving equipment, and that improves the reciprocal action of air and water known as fill.


You can choose from the different types of fill available to repair or rebuild the cooling towers in the market depending on your usage of the fill. A few of the basic examples are splash and film fills.

  • The splash fills are just like its name. The mode of cooling they supply: water splashes on fill surfaces and then increases the air or water contact.
  • Whereas the film fills are water film that creates on the surface of the fill. The thin film of water on the surface provides a very high amount of surface area for air and water contact. As a result, film fills can provide the most amount of cooling for a given volume of supply.
  • The films came into existence in 1960. Since then cooling towers manufacturers have refined a huge range of different fills types and designs to suit each and every type of water quality challenges that plant operators face.

The Water Quality: A Key Factor in Colling Tower Fill Choices

As of the potentially large volume of material, fills can be a substantial purchase. But, purchasing the wrong fill can have an even larger influence on your bottom line due to reduced efficiencies and lost production on a daily basis. You need to replace the fill frequently more years than expected. One of the major keys to picking the right fill for your plant depends on the water quality. You need to match the water quality with a fill design that is appropriate and utilizing a companion water treatment program that complements both.

Consider the main three factors that are evaluated when looking at the choice of fill. You can study the following:

  • Total suspended solids
  • Biological activity control
  • Oil/grease content in circulating water


Examining the above will let you know about which type of fills is the most suitable for your industry or building. These factors also include calcium, magnesium, and silica evaluations akin to the calibrating potential of the water, ammonia, sulfide, and nitrate evaluations linked to the nutrients available to boost the growth. The information depends upon the process being cooled down, the make-up water source and rotating water cycles of concentration.

Run Through,

Everyone knows that the fill is the essence of every cooling tower. And knowing that every tower functions differently depending upon the environmental constraints, water quality, and thermal performance you can pick accordingly.

On that account whatever needs you to have for cooling towers, at Tower Tech we have them fulfilled from splash to high efficiency film fill and everything in between that you need. You can get in touch with us for further information on it.

